Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Friday, October 19, 2007

Ok Fine....I Will Post Again

I cannot believe I have not posted in over a month! Life is full right now, and by the time I catch up on everyone else's blogs, I have no time to blog myself. Here is a quick update on our life.

Kayla is doing great with 1st grade. She tends to get overwhelmed with lots of work, so we are sticking with the basics. Math, reading, and handwriting. I try and get the other stuff in with the stuff we read together. She is obsessed with space, so we read about space....science done. If she asks about Indians or a state we do research into that....history and geography done. The beauty of homeschooling a young one is how flexible I can be. As long is she is enjoying what she is doing, she learns so much more than me forcing subjects down her throat.

Wyatt is starting to really grow up. He actually sits and does projects for longer periods. He talks constantly, and still has his wild side, but he does seem a little more under control. Currently he is obsessed with motorcycles and football.

Anniston is well....a 15 month old. Temper tantrums because mommy doesn't understand what aaaaahhhh means, getting into anything that she should not be, and unable to sit still for more than five minutes. Boy is she adorable, though.

We still do not know what baby #4 is. Hopefully I will get to the sonogram place in the next couple of weeks. I am almost 19 weeks, so right now is actually the ample time to get that information. I just haven't done it yet.

This season is full due to the start of basketball season. I am enjoying coaching for my fourth season. I love being able to serve the church in that way and love working with my girls. I appreciate how they put up with my kids running around the gym during practice. I love the relationships I have built with them over the years. Some of my graduates have become my friends, love my kids (bonus I receive from coaching is babysitters), and we have learned a lot from each other over these years. It is a crazy time, but I really do love it.

I hope everyone has a great week.....but I wonder if anyone will even read this. You have probably given up on me!!