Thursday, May 13, 2010

A Boy's Life

It amazes me the difference between boys and girls. Wyatt's new obsession is Lego Star Wars. I tried and tried to get Kayla to like some sort of video game. I tried VSmile, Wii, and DS. I don't care so much for gaming, but it does have it's place.

Wyatt started playing Wii about a year ago, but we only had one game since Kayla never really enjoyed it. As a reward for him one day, I took him out and he chose Lego Star Wars to purchase. Dear Lord, it takes everything to keep him off that thing. I didn't even show him how to use it (since I had no idea how to use it), but somehow the child taught himself and was rejoicing today about making it to level 19 or something.

I guess now is the time to start making some rules about playing. When I was a kid, our rule was we could play video games on rainy days. Since we live in the "sunshine state" I am going to have to come up with something different.

Thankfully he still likes to run, romp, and swim outside because, although I enjoy having something quiet for him to do, I do not want a lazy, fat, sit in front of the t.v. type of boy.

I wonder how often most people let their kids play video games? I guess I should start asking around to see what other families do to keep this stuff under control.

Monday, May 10, 2010


I think I appreciate my mom more this year than ever before. I wanted to take a moment to honor her and tell my kids what she has meant to me.

Kids, your grandmother is one of the most amazing woman you will ever have the privilege of knowing. She has sacrificed her entire life to serve her God and her family. There are maybe fleeting moments she thinks about herself, but when she does you never know it.

She has laid down her life for her husband. She has laid down her life for her kids and she is laying down her life for you guys, her grandchildren. Mommy has watched her go through trials you may never know about, but her faith and trust in God is unwavering. She is a woman of great faith. A faith does not not end when the storms come, when trials overwhelm and when pain increases. Her body may tire, but her faith does not.

She has helped your mommy through some trials. God has used her to help me to love your daddy more, love her God more, and love you guys more. Not only from her example, but from her wisdom.

One day I pray you guys admire and love me the way I love Granma. I pray you will look at me and think "My mommy is strong. My mommy has faith when there seems to be no reason to have it. My mommy loves my daddy and gives her life to him. And my mommy laid down her life for me. My mommy loves her God."

I pray you know your Granma for many years to come, but when the Lord eventually does take her away, I pray her legacy is lived through my life. And through yours.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Just Checking

Does anyone at all still read this blog? Just curious.

I have been reading back over my past posts and realized how wonderful it is! I love reading about my life, my kids life, my thoughts at the time. I was cracking up at the things my kids said and loving reading what was going through my mind. A ton has happened over the past year and I easily forget what happened even 2 or 3 years ago. It is good for my soul to read it.

Therefore, I am going to start posting again. For me and my kids. I want to remember the times of my life. The good and the bad.

Even if no one reads it....