I thought I would give an update on my new, crazier life.
First, Danae is a wonderful baby. I have been known to say that the newborn stage is not my favorite stage of life for my children, but she has made me realize why people actually like newborns. She is a little clingy, but I can deal with that. She eats great, sleeps great, and is very consolable when she is upset about something. I have really been enjoying her and she has made it easy for me to fall in love with her.
Second, my other children. Kayla has been amazing. I had worked a lot with her before Danae came on some different things, but I feel like she has grown up even in the past three weeks. She is doing laundry and helping me clean. One morning Anniston woke up early and she got her up, took her down and made her breakfast, and cleaned up when they were done. She continually amazes me and even says she likes helping me....sometimes.
Wyatt has been incredibly sweet and good about a new baby in our life. He loves her very much and actually tries to kiss and hold her a little too much.
Anniston, well, oh my. That is really all I have to say about her. Anything that comes to mind about how she may be acting, it is probably true.
Ok, so here are some things I have learned since having a baby.
1. My kids think I am deaf. Every time she even starts to cry everyone starts yelling "the baby is crying, the baby is crying!". Annie just runs around yelling random stuff with them. I have tried to explain that Mommy has ears and can hear things too.
2. 20 month olds and 3 years olds can figure out quickly what they can do while there is a baby nursing. They have realized that is the time to put diaper rash medicine all over the playroom, put toilet paper around the entire upstairs, bite each other, go on a walk outside by themselves, eat lots of cookies, and fill many cups full of ice cubes and then pour them all over the kitchen floor. Apparently, it is fun to slide on the floor on cold ice.
3. Planning to leave the house takes 24 hours.
4. Everyone always needs me at the same time. I may incorporate a new rule. Only one child can say "Mommy" at a time. And, the other children have to wait at least 10 minutes to say the word Mommy again. I don't know why this has become worse since the baby came.
5. You do not have to change diapers as much as people think. They really can make it a long time. It saves time and money. Actually, running around naked works great.
6. Spanking is much harder when you have to nurse so much. What I really need is a giant paddle that I can reach all of downstairs from my chair in the living room.
And finally, I have learned that I can love a fourth child as much as my other three. I have learned that one more little face to kiss is amazing and watching my children love her is amazing. I have found that no matter how crazy my day, and how stressed out I get, I realize more and more each day that I am doing exactly what I should be doing. Loving and training four of the coolest, most adorable, hilarious, wild children.
They make me laugh, they make me cry and they scare me to death, but what an awesome job I have. I did not think I had the strength to handle one more, but God is helping me to not only handle it, but realize that the scary expectation of four children was harder than actually having them. If I only had trusted Him months ago, it could have saved me a lot of stress leading up to having Danae. One day I will learn.
Oh, gotta run. Thankfully Kayla and Wyatt just informed me that Danae is crying......
"We often speak of the birth of the child as a matter of course
...of no great moment but to the parents and relations.
But indeed the birth of a child,
whether in a palace or a workhouse,
is an event of more real importance than the
temporal concerns of an entire kingdom!
When a child is born, an immortal soul is born.
To have the charge of such beings,
to form their minds in their tender years,
to bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord,
and at last to present them to Him,
enables us to say,
'Here am I, and the children Thou hast given me'
--- oh what a blessing!"
John Newton
I love it!!! I laughed so hard and Newton's quote is precious!!!!
Again, you are my hero!!
Praying for you today - may you hear 'm----' only one more time today. :o)
What a testimony of God's humor, kindness and blessing in your life. I believe that He is smiling at your thoughts today. Thank you for letting your light shine on your blog! You are an inspiration and proof of the truth that says, "Children are a blessing of the Lord!"
Girl...I hear you I hear you! Thanks for making me laugh and giving me a small glimpse into life as I will know it in about a week:)
At moments like this I am reminded yet again of God's amazing grace. Honey, YOU were just the one being covered in baby powder by "Guy" when I was nursing a newborn. You are the answer to my prayers for you -- that God would grow you into a godly woman and devoted mother. I am so proud of you!
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