Saturday, April 11, 2009


I am not sure I could have taken any longer to update my blog. I certainly hope to be more consistent, but am making no promises. I think my schedule pretty much fell apart during the holidays and I have been unable to catch back up. So, to start off my new found desire to blog, I decided to start with an update.

Kayla - Continues to grow, and learn, and be mommy's little helper. I am amazed at how competent she is with Danae especially. It is nice when that I can send her to give a bath, feed breakfast, or just keep her happy while I get whatever done. She is doing well in school, and her only downfall is her own mothers lack of consistency.

Wyatt - My little buddy turned 4 the end of March. Crazy that it seems like only yesterday he as my crazy, collicky baby and than my out of control toddler. He has really matured here recently and seems like such a little boy. He pretty much talks constantly, which can be interesting at times. He always has the most wonderful questions.

Anniston - Not much has changed with Annie. She is still as cute as can be and loud, and mean, and all the other awesome personality characteristics she has. I do love my little stinker and so enjoy cleaning up her various messes and destructions every day.

Danae - My sweet baby love is now 1. She still does not walk or crawl. Yeah, she is a little slow. I blame it on her eye infection last year. I figure all babies that have eye infections don't learn to walk until they are 5. Right?

So there you have it. I am doing well, already planning for next homeschool year (I WILL be organized, I WILL be organized) and plan on hopefully joining a small co-op to help me keep motivated for the year. I am pretty excited about my curriculum choices, actually, and looking forward to checking everything out at FPEA. Hopefully.

That is about it for now. Thank you for your patience, if you are still out there, whoever you are.

Wyatt and our newest addition, Titus

Anniston and Elsie


Danae at her first birthday

4 comments: said...

Yeah for an update :) Thanks for sharing!

Jennifer Lightfoot said...

i almost gave up. ;) sooooooooooo good to hear you're alive! whew!!!!

Erin said...

I was just about to delete you from my blog list on my own page....but have redeemed yourself; however, you forgot to mention the milestone of Kayla losing her first tooth. Also, Danae crawls doesn't she. The army crawl my book it does :)

Jaime said...

Never give up on me, Erin. I always come through at some point. Kinda like that thing for Caleb I still have not written!

And army crawling does not count. Real crawling is up on all fours.