Sunday, January 8, 2012


Today was the first meeting of Redeemer Church at Lake Nona.  It's been almost 14 years since my dad has led a church.  I have longed for this day for so long even when it seemed like we would be at Metro forever.

I enjoyed our 10 years at Metro Life Church.  There are aspects of a large church that are fun and convenient, but until the process began of beginning Redeemer, I had forgotten what it was like to be a part of the beginning.  To be a part of the planning and dreaming of a new, small church.  I love that my kids will be a part of this.  I pray one day they will have a love for the church like I had when I was younger.  Not just because their friends go there or it is "fun", but a true love for His people and His church.  A desire to serve the community, to want to serve on missions, to give their life away for others.

I pray PJ and I are an example to them as well.  I have watched my dad serve through thick and thin.  Not allowing circumstances to affect how he serves God's people.  I pray my children will learn from him, but also the two of us.

Friday, January 6, 2012


I have been inspired by my mom to blog again. The great news is no one will know that I am, so it can almost be like my own personal diary. If I feel the need perhaps I will share I blog again.

For now, an update on my kids.

Kayla - 10 years old

Friends, basketball, horses, reading, and riding her bike are some of her favorites.

Wyatt - 7 years old in two months

Wii, JJ, basketball, riding his bike, Titus, Legos, and Battleship are his passions.

Anniston - 5 years old

Barbies, Pet Shop, bikes, animals, writing her letters, and playing with Danae are her favories.

Danae - Almost 4

Titus, getting dirty, barbies, Ellie, chasing neighborhood cats, playing with Annie are some of her favorites.

Titus - Just turned 3

Anything with Wallace, playing with Danae, annoying Kayla, laying with Wyatt, footballs and swimming are just a few of his favorites.

As for me, these people are my favorite.