Thursday, July 10, 2008

School Ideas For Little Ones

I would love some ideas for Wyatt to do for "school" this year. I am not looking for structured curriculum, but something fun that he can do basically by himself. ( It really is crazy to me that they have actual structured curriculum for kids his age. That is another topic for another day.)

He does well just playing on a blanket while I do school with Kayla, but I would slowly like to incorporate some sit down at the table time for him. I thought about just going somewhere to get little books with easy activities, but most of those are preschool and he will only be 3 1/2.

I don't know....any ideas???

(Jenn, you are not allowed to give random, strange ideas that make no sense and that I will never use)


Medana22 said...

I love your warning to Jenn...classic. Anyways, I am going to do those file folder games for Lauren...where everything is in a large envelope and then the game is put together in a file folder....I am looking for sites that have them and will email you any I find...

Jennifer Lightfoot said...

Wow. I'm totally shocked - have no idea what you're talking about! I never give advice when I know nothing about arrogant would that be????

Anonymous said...

Andrew loves to do the write and wipe books. I give him a dry-erase marker and a sock. He sits there and traces the letters and shapes. I am going to try and set up little "centers" for both boys-that way while I'm doing things with just Billy, Andrew will be at a "center". Coloring, crafts, computer,books on tape, stamps,puzzles,etc. We'll see how it goes come August. Hope this helps some.