Thursday, May 24, 2007

Fred Thompson and FPEA

Mom forwarded me an email this morning that said: "Signs Point to Fred Thompson Candidacy." This was a report from CBS news. Now, I know he is the guy from Law and Order, but I know nothing else about him.

I am just curious about everyones thoughts about him???

Well, I am off to FPEA (Florida Parents Educator Association) tonight. I find going to the conference (and curriculum fair) is always a lot of fun, but eye opening as well. There is such a huge group of homeschoolers in Florida with so many different opinions, thoughts etc.

Anyway, I will be offline for a couple days, so nothing new will be coming. When I get back though, I will be getting on with my series on public school. I am also starting a book by C.S. Lewis called The Abolition of Man. (Go to the link below to read about it.), which should make for interesting discussions.


Also, I will eventually post Kayla's gymnastics pictures. This has been requested, but I keep forgetting! Sorry.

1 comment:

lawrence said...

Fred Thompson is my boy...he describes himself as a Federalists, not a Republican. He's definitely more consevative then Guiliani or he's hilarious. I'm voting for him.