Sunday, May 20, 2007

Summer Reading

Here are some summer reading programs I have found. Thought I would pass them along.

Barnes and Noble and the Seminole County Library give away free books after you have finished your list. Scholastic is just a cute little site to keep track of what you read. B & N also has some great print outs you fill out after you have finished reading the book. I think you have to hand those in before you actually receive your new book.

Finally, Scholastic is still doing their "$1 days". You can get some really great books for a buck. I spent about $8 and ordered some pretty fun activity books for reading etc.


Jaime said...

Somebody help me! When I right click and make the reading programs links, they show as links right up until I publish the post. After that, they are no longer links!

What is the deal?

lawrence said...

ask janelle she's the linking genius. I don't even try...

Unknown said...

Ok, so when you are writing a post, there are several little buttons at the top of the bar. Say, you name a book and want to link to it. You highlight whatever words you want, and then there is a picture of a globe with funny little squigglies. When you click on that, a box will pop up that allows you to enter a URL. Enter the URL, click OK, and it will save it as a link.

Jaime said...

Janelle, I have no idea what you are talking about. I see no world and no squigglies. You will have to show me Tuesday when you come to watch 24.

Unknown said...

LOL! Ok, I will show you Tuesday:-D