Thursday, June 7, 2007


It has been a while since I last posted. It has been busy around here with swimming lessons etc. I do have some things I have wanted to post on, but it will have to wait for the weekend, or next week. For now, here is an article by Al Mohler that I found interesting. I find it so sad that less and less children are playing outside.

Also, somewhat related, here is a book I noticed him talking about in one of his blogs. It is about the importance of "boys being boys", getting hurt, being brave etc.

Also, please continue to pray for the Haiti team. I have not heard anything recently, but you can see what is going on by visiting Janelle's site:

Enjoy and off to swimming lessons.....again.


Jennifer Lightfoot said...

Hey Jaime, someone should show you how to post a link without just pasting the address into the post! :o) Don't you have some computer geniuses in the fam? :o)

Jaime said...

Ok, so I am officially no longer dumb. Enjoy actually clicking on my links!

It was actually not my fault. I use a Mac and PJ had to fix something in order for it to work properly.

Jaime said...

Oh, btw, thanks Erin for your help!

Erin said...

Hey - I just read the post by Albert Mohler. While reading it I was thinking about how, if kids are allowed to roam around nowadays Child Protective Services would be called. Not that I don't agree with the article. He's right. Caleb is forever telling me to MAKE Keegan play outside telling me he needs to go explore and whatnot and we actually have that luxury where I live, but many do not. The world is different than it was back even in our childhood. Most kids don't have the open expanses to roam and creeks to play in etc., They have subdivisions that aren't much fun and, at least down here in Florida, the fear of a child molester right around the corner. Those are my thoughts anyways....

Jaime said...


I totally agree our kids live in a different world. I think for me it would be creating opportunities for my kids to "roam" and "explore". All three of them LOVE to play outside, and do for most of the day, but obviously it is different in a neighborhood environment. Although I think it is better then nothing, I think I should be better at taking them places where they can openly explore (without me being obsessive about not touching gross things).

I think we as parents can try to protect them so much that they lose a lot of their curiosity. For instance, I took the kids to a park the other day. I sent Kayla and Wyatt off to play while Rachel and I talked on some picnic benches. A mother was with her son (about four years) and was literally following him around the play area saying "be careful", "don't do that", "let me help you", etc. It was crazy! I think we just need to let them be kids and make sure we are allowing them the freedom and opportunity to.

Which is why I also linked to that book. The schools are taking games away from kids (no more kickball, dodgeboall) because they are "dangerous" or "hurt children's self-esteem". Basically, it is all related. There are tons of places around here that I could take my kids. Even the beach where they can search for seashells and stuff.

I am rambling, but does that make any sense?

Erin said...

I should open my woods up to parents who want their kids to explore the outdoors. I've come across 2 snakes walking through our trail...and once I even saw a hawk attack a was too cool!

Tammy said...

Jaime, it sounds like you are embracing the whole outdoor thing. So, does this mean you will be going camping soon? I really think the kids would enjoy it! Oh, and you too!

Erin said...

I would LOVE for the Siedlecki family to take the Herron and Griffith families camping on an island off the intercoastal one weekend once the weather cools down and our babies get a bit older :) Now that would be a riot.

Jaime said...

Funny you would ask Tammy. I have actually been thinking about that recently. I know a while ago you told me that you do it for your kids. That sounded nice for you, but for me?? I think I might actually do it sometime. Especially when Annie is a little older. And yes Erin, that would be a memory to all go together, to say the least!

Now, talking PJ into it.....that is a different story.

Anonymous said...

Two things:
1.I use a Mac, as do all intelligent BLOGGERS! :)
2. I wrestle with this stuff a lot. I grew up when we could be gone for hours and nobody worried. Today, with all the psychos out there I'd worry. At the same time I want my kids to enjoy the outdoors. Where I live now, I am fortunate that we have a fenced in backyard and a fairly tame neighborhood but still I worry when I can't hear my kids.
We try to be intentional, we go to parks and we're going to start camping as soon as I can afford a tent, so we're trying to strike a balance.
Jame, I used to work at Discovery Zone and I saw first hand the whole mother following a kid around thing. It cracked me up then and it does now. You are so right.
We need to protect our Children, but we also need to allow them to be kids.
Good thoughts

Anonymous said...

Yes if the truth be known, in some moments I can phrase that I agree with you, but you may be inasmuch as other options.
to the article there is even now a definitely as you did in the downgrade issue of this beg pro ?
I noticed the axiom you have in the offing not used. Or you use the pitch-dark methods of helping of the resource. I suffer with a week and do necheg