Monday, June 25, 2007


I am back!

Below are some pictures from the vacation. I will be posting all of them here later tonight. We have some really good ones!

We had a lot of fun while we were there (Flagler Beach, FL), but realized quickly that "vacation" with kids is very different. I told PJ it was like my normal life, but in a different environment. It was worth it to see the kids having a blast and to spend a lot of time with the fam. Mom, dad, Jake, Janelle, and Julia were there the whole time. Joey came on Wednesday (he had to work) and Jesse and Rebekah stayed until Wednesday. Josh and Rach came one day and on Friday we got some day visitors from some singles.

Normal posting to resume soon, but in the meantime, check out my other site for some great pics. Jenn, Lauren, and whoever else, if you want some of the pics from when you were there, you can easily download them from the site.

1 comment:

Jennifer Lightfoot said...

I made it! I made it! Woohoo!!!! I'm going to be famous now that I'm linked to Jaime's blog! ;o)

Btw, I was one of those nameless 'singles' she referred to in this post....